Is Selling Furniture Profitable?

Today, we’re sharing a truly inspirational journey answering your question, “Is selling furniture profitable?” It’s about transforming discarded pieces into treasures, turning hardship into opportunity, and making an impact, flipping furniture for profit one furniture piece at a time.

We’re featuring Kara, a remarkable woman who turned a crisis into an entrepreneurial adventure. Join us as we dive into her incredible story of resilience, creativity, and true grit!

is selling furniture profitable with kara from lemons to lemonade furniture

Get ready because the story you’re about to dive into isn’t just about entrepreneurship. It’s a testament to the power of creativity and resilience. It’s all about turning the ordinary into something extraordinary, painting over life’s imperfections with vibrant colors of hope and determination.

turn your hobby into cash

Let me introduce you to Kara. She took life’s challenges and turned them into opportunities with her cleverness.

This is a story of a journey that started with a tough financial situation and ended with a thriving business that not only paid the bills but also wiped out a massive debt. So, if you’re wondering whether selling furniture can actually make money, get ready for a resounding answer!

Starting a furniture flipping business

Have you heard that expression of turning lemons to lemonade? Well, that is indeed where my furniture flipping story started!

Hey everyone! My name is Kara, and I started flipping furniture in that ominous year of 2020. I began on a whim to be honest, you see my husband lost his job on April 1st of that year,  and on a day meant for jokes; it wasn’t very funny. 

We put our heads together to try to figure out what we were going to do to keep a roof over our head, our bills paid and food on the table.

Kara with blue painted dresser lemons to lemonade design

The following week, as we watched the world shut down, out of sheer boredom we decided to paint our very outdated, ugly bedroom furniture. It was 20 some years old and was in desperate need of a facelift.

We watched some videos on YouTube for a few hours, grabbed our paintbrushes (we had no idea what we were doing)  and began to tackle this big project.

A few days later, we moved our newly painted furniture back into our room and I took some silly staged pictures of what our new fancy furniture with a facelift now looked like, and to our amazement, we began to get offers from our friends to give their furniture a face lift too!

Check out some tips and tricks on how to sell used furniture here.

Well, we were up a proverbial creek at that point and in no position to say no, so we very sheepishly told them that we may be ill qualified BUT the income would be nice and pieces of other people’s furniture began to be dropped off at our door, albeit 6 ft apart of course.

Making Money Flipping Furniture

Fast forward a few months and our little furniture flipping adventure gained the name of Lemons to Lemonade Furniture, which seemed very fitting for our current situation.

Our little business was starting to make some real profit. We survived mainly off of custom orders at that time and had a waitlist that was booked months out but we flipped about a piece a week of our own designs to list on Facebook Marketplace.

whitewashed wood dresser with stencil lemons to lemonade design

Get more information what it takes and exactly how to make money flipping furniture in our How to Make Money Painting Furniture post.

We were keeping the bills paid, a roof over our head, and shoes and clothes for 2 fast growing teenagers. This self-described Pinterest-fail mom was making a name for herself in our Dallas suburb!

Surprisingly during this time, while being covered in paint and sanding dust, my husband and I stabilized our four walls at home and we found ourselves in the position to start chipping away at the $43,000 in medical debt we had accumulated.

If you want to know some tips on how to sell furniture fast, read through this post to learn more.

Well, we chipped so much that about a year into furniture painting, we had completely gotten out of debt…in the middle of a job loss, in the middle of THAT year.

Debt free from selling furniture

Wondering how to price your painted furniture to sell it? Here is our Furniture Painting Price List that we use when buying and selling furniture to flip.

Debt Free From Flipping Furniture

I posted a picture of my husband and I holding a sign with our debt payoff number on Instagram, our homemade debt free scream if you will.

The next day I had a little message in my inbox from the Dave Ramsey Team asking if we would please do them the favor of coming to Nashville and sharing our story on the Debt Free stage! 

We packed our little family up and made the drive from Texas to Nashville to share our lemonade story with the Dave Ramsey crew on his radio show and YouTube channel.

debt free scream on dave ramsey show

That night we celebrated our achievement with our family. We ate at a fancy restaurant and had a high class dinner for the first time in a very long time!

I chose to start making videos about our furniture flips and our debt-free story on YouTube.

white painted buffet with geo knobs

I hoped that by doing this, I could motivate and encourage others to find fun and creative ways to pay off their debts, just like we did!

It was the start of another exciting journey where I not only showed how we fix up furniture but also how it made us feel more in control of our money. You can find my Youtube channel at Lemons to Lemonade Furniture

Check out this video below for a view into our Youtube videos!

So IS selling furniture profitable? I can answer with a resounding YES!

Here is another great example of flipping furniture for $675 profit in 30 hours.

This furniture-flipping phenomenon has helped my family find stability during difficult times. With a whole lot of prayer and some perseverance, our family was able to squeeze those lemons to the last drop and create a beautiful story out of it.

I hope to encourage others to do the same! 

If you enjoyed this flip tip, you can find Kara on Youtube under Lemons to Lemonade Furniture. And for more behind the scenes content you can also join Kara on Instagram!

More Resources

turn your hobby into cash

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