Can I Spray Paint IKEA Furniture

You may have a piece of IKEA furniture that you’ve had for years, but now it doesn’t quite fit in with your current decor. Or maybe you found an IKEA piece, but you want it in a different color. Whatever the reason, you may be wondering, “Can I spray paint IKEA furniture?”

Let’s answer this question in this post and get into the details of spray painting furniture, specifically IKEA furniture.

photo of using spray paint on Ikea furniture with text overlay

IKEA furniture has become incredibly popular in recent years. It’s affordable, easy to assemble, and can fit into many different styles of home decor. However, with its mass appeal comes the potential for your furniture looking exactly like someone else’s. Good news is you can easily customize your IKEA furniture with paint!

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Painting IKEA furniture can give it a unique look and make it stand out among the sea of identical pieces. You can choose any color you want, from bold and vibrant to subtle and muted – any style that suits your taste and decor. While there are many types of paint for furniture, we’ll focus on using spray paint.

Can You Spray Paint IKEA Furniture?

So to answer the question “Can I spray paint IKEA furniture?” – the answer is yes! But before you start spraying away, there are a few things to do. If not, you risk wasting time, money, and ending up with a paint job that doesn’t last.

Prepping IKEA Furniture Before Spray Painting

First and foremost, it’s important to clean your IKEA furniture thoroughly before spray painting. Dust, dirt, and oils can affect the adhesion of the paint, so wipe down all surfaces and make sure to let them dry completely before moving on.

Next, you’ll want to sand your IKEA furniture with 220 grit sandpaper. Sanding before painting furniture will help the paint adhere better and create a smoother finish. Be sure to sand in the direction of the grain, and wipe down any dust from sanding afterwards.

photo of cleaning Ikea furniture

Now it’s time for primer. When you prime for painting, you create a base that allows the paint to stick better and last longer. It will help prevent the paint from chipping or scratching off easily, and for sure you don’t want that after all the effort!

For IKEA furniture, we recommend priming with BIN shellac primer only. It’s one of the best primers for painting furniture and one of the best primers to stop tannin bleed.

photo of applying BIN shellac primer onto furniture

Prepare your IKEA piece properly and you can start spraying! Here’s more on how to prepare furniture for painting to learn many tips and tricks for this process.

Best Spray Paints for IKEA Furniture

When it comes to spray painting IKEA furniture, you want to make sure you use the best paint for the job. Here are five top options to choose from:

different kind of spray paints best for Ikea furniture
  • Color Place Spray Paint: This multi-surface paint is perfect for both indoor and outdoor projects, making it a versatile choice for your IKEA furniture. It also offers good coverage and dries quickly.
  • Krylon Color Maxx Spray Paint: With its primer and paint combination, this spray paint delivers premium coverage and superior color adhesion. It’s also rust-resistant, making it a great option for long-lasting protection on your furniture.
  • Rustoleum 2x Spray Paint: This paint’s durable formula provides excellent coverage and a no-shine matte finish, perfect for giving your IKEA furniture a sleek update. It also has low odor and resists chips for a lasting finish.
  • Behr Spray Paint: This spray paint offers excellent adhesion and coverage on a variety of surfaces, including wood and metal. Its ergonomic can shape and comfortable spray actuator make it easy to use for all your furniture projects. Here’s our Behr Spray Paint review to learn more about our personal experience using this spray paint.
  • Rustoleum Gloss Protective Enamel Spray Paint: For a beautiful finish with long-lasting color, this paint is the way to go. It’s also corrosion-resistant and works on a variety of surfaces, making it a great option for your IKEA furniture.
  • Krylon Fusion Spray Paint: This all-in-one paint and primer delivers the best in adhesion and durability. Its easy push big button spray tip makes it a convenient choice for any project, plus it dries fast as quick as 20 minutes.
Rustoleum Gloss Protective Enamel Spray Paint and Krylon Fusion Spray Paint for Ikea furniture

We have compared these spray paints in this post on the best spray paint for wood furniture so you can check it out and choose which one suits your needs best.

How to Use Spray Paint on IKEA Furniture

With your IKEA piece prepped, primed, and your painting area ready, it’s time to start using spray paint. Start with taping off any areas you don’t want painted to avoid overspray. Wear protective gear such as a respirator, gloves, and eyewear to protect yourself from harmful fumes and potential skin irritation.

Now, shake the can well before use and keep it 5-10 inches away from the surface for an even application. Use quick, controlled motions to cover the furniture piece, starting at one side and working your way down. Multiple thin coats are better than one heavy coat to avoid drips or runs.

photo of applying paint onto furniture using spray paint

Follow the instructions on the back of the can for recommended intervals between coats, usually within an hour or longer. Once you’re done spraying, let the surface dry and cure for 24-48 hours before using it.

Be patient and avoid touching or moving the furniture too soon to prevent scratches or smudges on the paint! Check our guide on how to use spray paint for a more detailed explanation and helpful tips.

Is it necessary to disassemble IKEA furniture before spray painting it?

Most IKEA furniture is designed to be easily assembled and disassembled, so you may wonder if it’s necessary to take apart your furniture before spray painting. The answer is, that it depends on the size and complexity of the piece. If you’re working with a smaller and simple item, like a chair or small table, it’s not necessary to disassemble it completely.

However, for larger and more intricate pieces, like a bookshelf or dresser, it may be easier and more efficient to take it apart before painting. This will allow you to reach all the nooks and crannies for a more even and thorough paint job.

When it comes to disassembling IKEA furniture, it’s important to follow the instructions provided. Taking apart furniture without proper guidance can lead to damage or difficulty in reassembling the piece. So make sure that you know how to reassemble the furniture before disassembling it for painting. If you’re unsure, it’s best to leave it intact and paint it as is.

Do I need to seal the spray painted IKEA furniture?

For a long-lasting finish on your spray painted IKEA furniture, we recommend sealing it. Sealing will protect your furniture from everyday wear and tear, such as scratches or stains, and can also enhance the color and overall look of your piece.

photo of applying topcoat onto painted Ikea furniture using a paint sprayer

Another factor to consider is the location of your furniture. If it will be in a high traffic area, then sealing it is definitely a good idea to make sure the paint stays intact and lasts longer.

But even if the piece will be in a low traffic area, sealing provides extra protection against any potential accidents or spills that may occur. Here’s more on sealing painted furniture and choosing the right sealant, especially for your IKEA furniture makeover.

With the right preparation and using the best spray paint for furniture, you can easily transform your plain IKEA pieces into unique and stylish additions to your home. Again, yes, you can spray paint IKEA furniture – just follow the tips and techniques we’ve shared and give your IKEA furniture a successful makeover.

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