How to Use Wagner FLEXiO 595 Paint Sprayer

If you have the Wagner FLEXiO 595 Paint Sprayer, or interested in getting one, you may want to look into how to use it properly. In this guide, we’ll show you the basics of how to use Wagner FLEXiO 595 Paint Sprayer so you can get professional looking results with your painting projects.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced DIYer, learning how to use a paint sprayer on furniture can be a game changer. So take the time to read through this guide to make the most out of your FLEXiO 595.

How to Use Wagner FLEXiO 595

The Wagner FLEXiO 595 is not your average paint sprayer. From its powerful X-Boost turbine to its multiple adjustable settings, this sprayer is perfect for any DIYer looking to tackle a variety of projects with ease.

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One of the standout features of the FLEXiO 595 is its lightweight and compact design. This makes a huge difference when working on projects for an extended period of time. So you get a powerful and speedy tool without sacrificing your comfort.

The FLEXiO 595 also has 2 interchangeable nozzles, the iSpray and Detail Finish, and we use the Detail nozzle more for a fine finish on furniture. Check out Wagner Detail Finish nozzle vs iSpray nozzle to learn more about these nozzles.

Wagner FLEXiO 595 comes with two interchangeable nozzles

It also has multiple adjustable settings and spray patterns, which may seem overwhelming at first, but they’re all useful and easy to use once you get the hang of it. So keep reading to learn and understand these settings and create amazing results with this Wagner paint sprayer! Check out our Wagner FLEXiO 595 review for a more in depth look on its performance too.

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How to Set Up Wagner FLEXiO 595

So you’ve got your Wagner FLEXiO 595 Sprayer in hand and you’re ready to start using it. Before we dive into the fun part of actually painting, let’s go over how to properly set up your sprayer.

First, make sure the power cord is unplugged, and don’t point the spray gun at any part of your body. You don’t want to accidentally start the sprayer while you’re setting it up. Plus, you don’t want any paint coming out of the gun before you’re ready to start painting.

unplug paint sprayer before set-up

Next, you’ll need to align the suction tube so the paint will flow smoothly from the cup to the nozzle. Make sure the angled end of the suction tube points towards the front of the nozzle if you’re spraying downwards, or towards the rear if you’re spraying upwards. The suction tube should be inserted as far as it will go so you can close the paint container securely.

Then align the arrow on the nozzle with the “unlock” symbol on the spray gun handle and twist it into place towards the “lock” symbol. The tab below the trigger will lock them together securely so they won’t come apart while in use. And that’s it, you’re ready to start filling the sprayer with paint!

Thin and Filter Paint for Paint Sprayer

You can’t just pour any paint into your Wagner FLEXiO 595 and expect it to work flawlessly. You need to make sure the paint is thinned properly, especially if you’re using thick paints like chalk paint.

Aside from thinning, it’s also important to filter the paint. Both allow for a smoother and more even application, resulting in a professional looking finish. It also helps prevent clogging in the sprayer because even if your paint is new, there can still be debris or dried paint particles that can cause issues.

using paint filter before spraying

To thin the paint, use the appropriate thinning agent depending on the type of paint you’re using. For waterbased paints, you can use plain water, while oil based paints need mineral spirits. You may also want to check the paint label or manual for any specific instructions on thinning.

thinning paint before spraying

The general rule of thumb would be to add 10% of the thinning agent to your paint. Mix the paint solution well before pouring it into the sprayer’s container through a paint filter. These may be extra steps, but they can save you the hassle of dealing with clogged sprayers and mediocre results. For a more detailed guide here’s how to thin paint for Wagner FLEXiO sprayer.

How to Paint with Wagner FLEXiO 595

Before anything else, it’s best that you do a practice run. Spray some paint on a spare piece of cardboard or poster board to check if your sprayer settings are correct. This way, you can adjust them before spraying paint onto your furniture or walls.

testing a paint sprayer on a piece of cardboard

When using the Wagner FLEXiO 595 for painting furniture, make sure to use the Detail Finish Nozzle instead of the iSpray nozzle. The Detail Finish nozzle is specifically designed for smaller projects like furniture and gives a finer finish without any bumps or unevenness. Here’s Wagner Detail Finish Nozzle VS iSpray Nozzle for a more detailed comparison of these two nozzles.

Next, familiarize yourself with the different settings on your Wagner paint sprayer. The spray pattern, material flow control dial, and Xboost power dial all play significant roles in the spraying process. Take the time to experiment and find the right balance for your specific project.

For the spray pattern, you can tweak it to spray in a horizontal, vertical, or round motion. Adjusting the material flow control dial allows you to regulate the amount of paint being sprayed with each trigger pull. And don’t forget about the Xboost power dial – this gives your sprayer an extra boost of air pressure to create a smoother finish. Learn all about these different Wagner paint sprayer settings in this post!

adjusting Xboost air power dial

When you’ve set the perfect settings, remember to spray light coats onto your furniture. You’ll get a better result by building up thin coats rather than thick ones that can lead to drips. Plus, thinner coats dry faster and prevent overspray from getting everywhere.

Cleaning Wagner FLEXiO 595

And just like any paint sprayer or tool, don’t forget to clean your Wagner FLEXiO 595 after every use. Proper cleaning and maintenance will guarantee that your sprayer lasts for a long time and continues to give you professional results.

Start with unplugging the power cord and removing any remaining paint from the container. Then, fill the container with hot, soapy water (for water based paints) or mineral spirits (for oil based paints). Plug the sprayer back in and let it spray until the liquid comes out clear

cleaning sprayer with warm soapy water

Rinse by spraying clean water this time, then you can unplug the sprayer again to disassemble the tip of the sprayer. You can clean the small pieces and areas with a small brush. Then give all the parts time to dry completely before putting them back together and storing your sprayer away. Here’s our guide on how to clean a Wagner FLEXiO sprayer to help you with this step.

cleaning wagner flexio 595 after painting

Now you have the know-how on setting up, thinning, filtering paint, painting with, and cleaning your Wagner FLEXiO 595 Paint Sprayer! With this versatile and easy to use sprayer, your next furniture makeover is sure to turn out beautifully.

more Paint Sprayer Tips

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